Featuring: Cougars Olathe Kansas - Join Our Free Dating Website Today!

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Latest Members that have just joined up:

lf youngr guys for fun

Age 53 From Pretty Prairie, Kansas - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Cougar Seeking Cub/Male (816 Miles Away)

send me mssge if you wanna be fwb and meet up your place

I love sex!!!

Age 46 From Hays, Kansas - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Cougar Seeking Cougar (872 Miles Away)

I am extremely sexual! Send me a message and let\'s see if we click. Here\'s what I would like to do with you: kinky things. How often I like to have sex: once a year. My favorite positions are: spooning. My favorite places to have sex are: bedroom...


Age 36 From Leavenworth, Kansas - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Cougar Seeking Cub/Male (636 Miles Away)

I'm a mom of 2, with a jerk off of a husband. I'm funny, outgoing, social, and love having a good time. I don't know why I marries such a tool bag, but I'm looking to have fun with someone. :)

Come play with me

Age 54 From Topeka, Kansas - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Cougar Seeking Cub/Male (677 Miles Away)

I am caring, passionate, and loving. Want someone who can keep up with me. I love to travel and have a busy schedule. I'm tired of doing it alone and want someone by my side that can keep up with me.

Im sweeter than chocolate, wanna taste

Age 47 From Elbing, Kansas - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Cougar Seeking Cub/Male (769 Miles Away)

I'm extra ordinary cute, gorgeous , smart, and honest,, im friendly. I like to cuddle.. im romantic,, passionate.. and lovable.. :) im single,, im explorer,, i like to explore new things,, i like to travel. i dont have any kids, never...

sweet sexy scorpio

Age 47 From Bonner Springs, Kansas - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Cougar Seeking Cub/Male (636 Miles Away)

im 33 single white female 5'3" 130lbs long light brown hair hazel green eyes looking to see whats out there

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Cougar Chat City

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