Featuring: Cougars Okmulgee Oklahoma - Join Our Free Dating Site Today!

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Feature Members that have just joined up:

Just looking to see whats out there!

Age 35 From Beggs, Oklahoma - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Cougar Seeking Cub/Male (769 Miles Away)

Tired of these cheating girls. Want something real. I'm not perfect but never a cheater. I have the best of luck picking winners haha

Loyal, honest loving, respectful

Age 50 From Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Cougar Seeking Cougar (848 Miles Away)

I'm very responsible respectful and business oriented. Love to travel. And make a lady happy

Don't miss out...

Age 50 From Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Cougar Seeking Cub/Male (852 Miles Away)

Blue eyed blonde with a great personality who is sensual, fun, loving and easy to talk to...


Age 45 From Ada, Oklahoma - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Cougar Seeking Cub/Male (830 Miles Away)

I'm a fun loving and spontaneous a great personality with a great personality and a witty sarcastic sense of humor. I want a man with a sense of humor and can appreciate a lil sarcasm, makes me laugh, is respectful, affectionate and treats me like...

I am looking for a sexy cub !

Age 53 From Sand Springs, Oklahoma - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Cougar Seeking Cub/Male (762 Miles Away)

A mature sexy woman who is very skilled in the bedroom and is bi sexual and loves oral stimulation !

hello im angelamarie

Age 51 From Durant, Oklahoma - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Cougar Seeking Cub/Male (844 Miles Away)

Just ask if you have a qiestion ill tell you.

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